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You may have a lot of questions concerning your new nutrition program. We've designed this blog to answer those questions. So if you're interested in some of the 'science' behind our program, we have an extensive database you can look through. If you would like to know why we believe gluten is harmful to your health, or if coconut oil is really healthy for you, that information can be found here!

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The Truth About Saturated Fat

Great article about Saturated Fat by Mary Enig, Ph.D and Sally Fallon.


Don’t believe everything you read or hear about fat.

In recent years fat in general, and saturated animal fat in particular has gotten an undeserved association with causing health problems. Not only is saturated animal fat a natural part of our food supply, it is essential for health. Below you’ll find a very informative article to help you understand how important fat, including quality animal fat (i.e. organic, pasture or grass fed), is for your health; although at times technical, this article is well worth the read.

A Personal Note From Dr. Kratka, AKA “Dr. Fat”: My friends and professional colleagues jokingly refer to me as “Dr. Fat” because whenever I can, I eat fat. Whether it’s that yummy outer portion of a grass-fed ribeye steak or the fantastic rack of lamb I love to cook or the walnuts and avocados that I add to healthy recipes I make, I love fat. As a doctor, scientist and lifestyle health coach, I know that fat is good for us. I also know that the quality of fat we eat is critical to whether it produces health or disease within the body. I also know that in addition to the quality animal and plant fats being integral to a healthy diet, so is consistently eating large quantities of organic vegetables and fruits which provide fiber, antioxidants, water and a host of phytonutrients, known and unknown which the body requires in concert with quality fats for optimal physiological function. Furthermore, incorporating regular moderate to intense exercise (think move, pant and sweat – a Bonfire mantra) into one’s lifestyle is equally important to maintaining a healthy physiology and avoiding disease.